Despite Latinos having the lowest per capita greenhouse gas emissions in the United States, Latino populations are disproportionately affected by climate change and environmental impacts.
of Latino households in the U.S. experience energy insecurity
430 gallons
of gas are used by Colorado Latinos annually, compared to 500 gallons used by white Coloradans
of Colorado highway miles are located in highly populated Latino communities, causing additional consumption and resulting in more emissions
Latino communities in Colorado experience disproportionate impacts from pollution, access to nature/green spaces, and energy insecurity compared to white Coloradans.
of all oil and gas wells in Colorado are located in communities with high Latino populations
of Western Latino voters believe climate change effects in their state in the past 10 years are significant
of Colorado Latino voters believe polluted-prone communities should receive environmental protections to prevent negative impacts of pollution

Environmental Outlook
Latino voters in the West, including Colorado, favor preservation efforts, more access to spaces in nature, and support the creation of new parks and wildlife refuges.
of Latino voters in the West want to protect clean water, air quality and wildlife habitats, supporting opportunities to visit and recreate on public lands
of Western Latino voters support the national goal of conserving land, inland waters, and ocean areas by the year 2030
of Latino voters in Western states say issues involving clean water, clean air, wildlife, and public lands are important in determining whether to support an elected official
Sources: COLOR Latina (2023 Colorado Latino Policy Agenda), Protégete (Colorado Latino Climate Justice Policy Handbook), Colorado College State of the Rockies Project (2024 Conservation in the West Poll), Hispanic Access Foundation (Latinos Show Concern about Water and Public Lands in the 14th Annual Conservation in the West Poll)